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Is Mexican Candy Bad to Eat When Pregnant

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Mexican Candy safe to eat?

I finally moved to the west coast, was living in the East coast, and all I can think about it is mexican candy, where I was living before they did not sell any. I went to the store and bought bags of my fav candy, I heard that mexican candy contains Lead? and Some people stay away from it while pregnant.


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Lmao what? I've never heard that I ate Mexican candy a few days ago, I say eat it


I heard this too but only the candy in Mexico or near Mexico like Texas. I'm not sure if it's true or not but Mexican candy from California tastes waaaay different to Mexican candy that I've bought in Mexico.

When you say mexican candy are u referring to candy with chile on it? Like the 'tajin' stuff...the WIC program told me not to eat it bc of lead in the chile powder but i'm sure the fda wouldn't approve it to be sold in the US if it was true

I never ate it with my first daughter. However this pregnancy the only thing that would curve my nausea in the first trimester (and to this day on occasion) was the límon packets! I also crave bambaso like CRAZY! I don't go eating it every single day but if I happen to go to the water store to get a snow cone by my parents house I will get one and eat about half. I took the límon packets to my dr appointment a long time ago and my midwife said it was fine in moderation! I crave Mexican food ALL the time!

These are the ones that I have been eating, I already ate about 40 of them in 3 days, I guess I will bring one in to show my OB. I just wanted to know if other mom's have eaten then during pregnancy.


Hello, I know it ha seen years now but I wanted to ask you if your OB tell you if it was bad to eat these or not. I have been eating as much as you were lately and idk if itnis bad for the baby. I hope you can contact me soon I will really appreciate it. Thank you

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Is Mexican Candy Bad to Eat When Pregnant
